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Do you want to see the latest our library has to offer? View titles that have been added to our collection within the last 14 days!!  Once you are at the list of new titles, you can limit the results by choosing the format you want from the dropdown list (for instance, DVD) and clicking the ‘Search” button. 

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You can also sign up to receive free weekly email alerts about our newest books, movies, and more with Wowbrary! You’ll discover the latest items our library has to offer and reserve bestsellers instantly!!

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Digital magazines are here!!

Browse the C/W MARS magazine digital collection HERENow you can borrow your favorites for FREE with your library card!!  There are more than 90 magazine titles to choose from!!  Check one (or more) out today!! 

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How do I determine credibility of health news?

Listen to this 20 minute podcast from the Public Libraries Association to help!

Then check out our Health Resources page online

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Health Literacy Resources

Check out our Health Literacy web site.  It will evolve as reliable resources get updated and change.  For now, be sure to keep tabs on your own health and check this space regularly.


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Little Free Library

Visit our Little Free Library at the Philbin Memorial Park (the Acre Playground – at the corner of Berlin St. and Chase St.)

From the ITEM on 8/4/17
CLINTON – Libraries don’t need to be big to make a huge impact on a community.

Little Free Libraries are a global phenomenon and are growing in popularity across the country. Now, the Bigelow Free Public Library and Clinton Parks and Recreation have brought one to Clinton.

After a public vote, the “Schoolhouse” design was chosen and installed in Edward J. Philbin Memorial Park, at the corner of Berlin and Wilson streets. The park is also known to some as Acre Park.

The grand opening ribbon-cutting and celebration was held in the afternoon sunshine on Friday, July 28, with children and adults enjoying a book-cover craft, free Italian ices, and of course lots of new books to read, as well as the facilities of the park such as the playground and splashpad.

Adults and children can borrow a book and return it, or take one home and keep it. You don’t even have to take one home — you can just read a book in the park. As Library Director Marie Mueller explained, it is “books for all. Books make the world a better place.”

The Clinton Little Free Library is part of a network of 50,000 Little Free Libraries all over the world; Clinton is literally on the map.

After the ribbon-cutting, children lined up to take a book. Some children had a little trouble opening the door to the doghouse-size free library. Library personnel explained to the children that it’s airtight to protect the books in inclement weather, so sometimes it just needs a good strong pull.

“I think it’s wonderful,” said library patron Betheney Zeigler. “The more books you can get into kids’ lives, the better.”

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Why the Library?

Are you one of those people who says, “I haven’t been to the library since I was a kid,” and thinks this is an accomplishment?

Depending on your age, today’s library may look the same on the outside, but this isn’t the same library you remember. Trust me.

That quiet, tomb-like place full of dusty books and pinch-nosed librarians saying “Shush”? Only in your memories.  Today’s Bigelow Library has public computers, scanning capabilities, movies, video games, live programs (sometimes with animals or music!), and lots of opportunities to collaborate.

We can get you set up with online research tools, free online classes and language-learning software. You can watch videos on the computer.  Got a question? We can help.

We’re not just a warehouse for books. We’re a vibrant part of the community.


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Support Library Funding

The president’s first pass at a budget eliminates the IMLS (Institute of Museum and Library Services) entirely. This federal department coordinates and distributes grant monies to state libraries (including the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners –MBLC) for local distribution in the form of LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) grants.

These LSTA grants have helped to fund library STEM programming, early childhood literacy programming, young adult programming, reader’s advisory, and staff training programs, among others.

Contact your Congresswoman, Niki Tsongas to tell her how important your library is to you. As State Sentator Harriette Chandler said during our Legislative Breakfast, “The squeaky wheels get heard.” So squeak!

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Thanks to our Library Supporters

The library hosted a very successful Legislative Breakfast with positive comments about the library from patrons as young as 3!

The following state senators and representatives were in attendance to listen about the importance of libraries:

Harriette Chandler, Harold Naughton, Natalie Higgins, James O’Day, Kimberly Ferguson plus an assistant from Jennifer Flanagan’s office.

If you couldn’t come for the breakfast, you can make a difference by contacting your state reps and telling them how important libraries are and to support state funding for libraries. If you depend on the library for anything, speak up!  The ongoing theme at the breakfast was to squeak–let your voice be heard.

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Just a Reminder

Sometimes we don’t appreciate what is right in front of our faces (or down the block). Do you say, “I could go to the Museum of Russian Icons anytime,” because it’s in town, then go to Worcester instead?

Do you vacation in West Virginia because you can see New England anytime?

Have you put off visiting the library because it will always be here? I hope it will always be around, but that’s no reason not to visit!  We’re not just about books anymore. We have the latest DVDs (although you do have to be quick because they go out fast!), video games, and discount museum passes, free computer use (and Wi-Fi) and tax forms (no tax advice, though).

The library is open Tuesday-Saturday. Put us on your weekly to-do list.

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Happy New Year

We would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Whether you make New Year’s Resolutions or not, make it a point to stop by some time this year to check out the library–and get a library card.

Did you know? With your library card, you can….

  • borrow DVDs for a week
  • binge watch Game of Thrones
  • try out a new video game
  • log on to a computer
  • learn a new language
  • take an online class
  • download free music

What’s in your wallet? If it’s not a library card, it should be!

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