August 2021 Minutes

Board of Library Trustees – meeting in the Selectboard chambers

Minutes of Aug 11, 2021

Call to order at 5:27. All in attendance. Wendy Neil, chair; Sarah Laganelli, vice-chair; Gloria Parkinson; Karen Nugent; E. Russell Grady; Marie Letarte, Director.

No public comment

Motion to approve minutes made by Wendy Neil, 2nd by Gloria Parkinson. All approved. Amended to include board members’ volunteering for Olde Home Day.  Motion to accept amended minutes made by Wendy Neil, 2nd by Karen Nugent. All approved.

Discussion of interim trustee appointment rendered moot because one of the candidates withdrew.

Motion to approve the updated mask requirement policy by Wendy Neil, 2nd by Sarah Laganelli. All approved

Motion to create an official Advocacy & Outreach subcommittee made by Gloria Parkinson, 2nd by Wendy Neil. All approved

Discussion about “Director’s room” – bound periodicals were offered up for free, only a few were requested and sent to another library.  The hoarding of children’s stuff/junk/supplies was discussed.  Could be put on shelves when the books are gone.  Room is still not ADA accessible, so not available to the public.

Director will ask procurement officer (Town Admin Mike Ward) to come to the next meeting to discuss how to remove the old books legally.  Director will speak with staff (again) about throwing away junk.

Friends update. Call for book donations went out. So far, Donna has not been able to get volunteers for a book sale.  Trustees each picked a time to cover the member table in the park.

Community room update. Two estimates for carpets in the next week.  Looking for a painter.  Mayou will not paint unless the water problem is solved.  Facilities Director still waiting for an estimate on the water mitigation.

Date of next meetings: Sept 23 @ 6, Oct 26 @ 6, Nov 23 @ 6. Trying to stick to the 4th Tuesday.

Motion to adjourn made by Wendy Neil at 6:32, 2nd by Gloria Parkinson.

Reconvened at the Selectboard meeting to appoint an interim trustee. Unanimous vote by selectboard and trustees for Francisco Ramos.

Minutes submitted by Gabriella Turcotte