July 2020 Minutes


The meeting convened at 6 pm via Zoom, because of the pandemic.

In attendance by roll call vote: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Stephanie Amell, E. Russell Grady, Sarah Langanelli, and Karin Nugent, secretary; and Library Director Marie Letarte.

WELCOME TO NEW MEMBERS: Newly elected trustees Stephanie Amell and Sarah Langanelli were welcomed to the board.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the June 23, 2020, Zoom meeting were approved with the following amendment: The name Russ “Carlsbad” was corrected to Russ Karlstad.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Moved to end of meeting (motion by Ms. Nugent; seconded by Ms. Neil) and approved unanimously, 6-0.



A. FACILITIES: Elevator work scheduled for July 22, 2020. Plexiglass is installed at circulation desk. Area libraries are not expected to open before August, but patrons are being helped remotely with printing, faxing, scanning, and curbside pickup.

The Request for Proposals Subcommittee (Ms. Letarte, Ms. Nugent, and Mr. Karlstad) has selected recommendations for firms for the building assessment study. The next step is for the Feasibility Proposal Subcommittee (Ms. Letarte, Mr. Karlstad, Phil Duffy, Selectman Kerrigan, and a trustee representative) to work with the chosen firm when that is possible.

B. BUDGET: Warrant was signed and emailed. A $10,000 grant from the MBLC for “At the Table” program was awarded, to start in October.

C. PROGRAM  UPDATES: The Book Shack behind the library is open for contact-free pickups. Virtual programming continues. Outdoor programs, including Library Laps in the park, and the Tuesday Evening Book Group are ongoing. There may be more outdoor programs in the future, but most events, live and recorded, remain online via Zoom, Facebook, and YouTube.

Self-service, including computer use, by appointment will start next week.

A new subscription for patrons, called “Wowbrary” has begun. Patrons will see a weekly list of latest items in the catalog.

Ms. Letarte said the main point is that the library is open again for pickups and computer use, downstairs. The entrance is in the back, and exit out the front. Disabled patrons can enter and exit via the elevator in the back. Returned books are kept in isolation in the Community Room. There are still no late fees charged.

DROP BOX: Trustees questioned why the new drop box is in the back of the library, when it was supposed to go out front. Ms. Letarte said Mr. Karlstad said it could not be placed out front because of the tilt, and the bricks on the walkway. The new box cannot go on the top step, where the old box is, because of ADA requirements.  A motion (made by Mr. Grady; seconded by Ms. Nugent) to relocate the box to the front of the library, on either side, where it can be made accessible, was unanimously approved.


A. COMMUNITY ROOM SUBCOMMITTEE: The next stage will be to install carpeting, furniture, and paint the walls and maybe the pipes—for artistic affect. The subcommittee (Ms. Neil, Mr. Grady and Ms. Nugent) and the trustees will select paint colors and carpets. Ms. Neil said we should demand something in writing from Mr. Karlstad regarding the leaking wall. The board directed Ms. Letarte to write to Mr. Karlstad saying that the trustees request that he have an engineer or other professional diagnose the leakage problem in the lower Community Room, with a proposed solution and timeline when it would be fixed. The letter would be cc’d to Town Administrator Michael Ward, and all trustees. An answer is requested before the next trustee meeting.

B. CAMERAS: Ms. Letarte said purchasing cameras for town buildings is being handled by Mr. Karlstad. They have apparently not been ordered yet.



  1. REQUEST TO REVIEW PART TIME STAFF HOURS: Recently, two part-time library assistant positions were offered for 20 hours and 15 hours per week respectively. Mr. Grady said we should not be offering a 20-hour position because benefits would kick in. He proposed changing the positions to two 17-hour per week jobs. Ms. Letarte said neither of the new hires want benefits, and that she is in charge of personnel. She said he cannot make that motion, and that the jobs are flexible.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: There was a 3-3 tie vote for chair, with Ms. Parkinson and Mr. Grady each receiving three votes. Ms. Parkinson will remain as acting chairwoman, and consult with the town lawyer for a ruling on a tie vote. Ms. Neil was re-elected as vice chairwoman. The secretary will be changed to a rotating position.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for 4:30 pm on Aug. 25, via Zoom.

Minutes submitted by Karin Nugent