April 2016 Minutes

Trustee Minutes April  14, 2016

Meeting called to order at 6:10

All trustees present except R. Grady

No public comment

Motion made by F. Purcell to approve March minutes; seconded by W. Neil. Minutes of 3/17/16 approved with the amendment of the date included. Unanimous.

Presentation by chair G. Parkinson about the financial strategy for the library for the next few years, including an explanation and differentiation of the designated fund, state aid, appropriated budget, and a capital campaign.

Motion made by W. Neil, seconded by F. Purcell to write thank you note to Nypro Foundation for establishing a designated fund within the Community Foundation of North Central Mass. Unanimous. G. Parkinson will form draft.

Clinton Home Foundation has offered to pay for some repairs and furniture for the community room; motion made by F. Purcell, seconded by S. Franco to accept and price out furniture and repairs. Unanimous.

Trustees are pleased with progress on 2014-19 strategic plan; almost complete.

Director’s report

Roof repair/replacement still in progress; brick walkway finished

220 attendees to all OneClinton OneBook programs

323 attendees to all 35 March programs/meetings

Next meeting May 19 at 6pm

Motion to adjourn by F. Purcell, seconded by S. Franco. Adjourned at 7:46pm.