April 2019 Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 6 pm at the library.

In attendance were: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Tracy Colangione, Angela DeVivo, Karen Nugent, secretary; Alex Zapantis; and Library Director Marie Letarte Mueller. Also present for the beginning of the meeting were Laura Taylor and Sandi Nichols, members of the library Book Group.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the March 26, 2019 meeting were unanimously approved after one amendment: The sentence “When Mr. Karlstad officially takes on his new post on July 1, 2019, the library operations budget will fall under his jurisdiction” was changed to “facilities operations budget.” 

A unanimous vote was taken to move a discussion on the Book Group to the next agenda item, as that was why Ms. Taylor and Ms. Nichols were there.  (Background: At last month’s meeting, a policy update on library use was approved which gave the director discretion on setting time limits or restricting events to times when the library is open.)

Ms. Parkinson said trustees could not re-vote on the issue. Ms. Neil asked if trustees could revisit the policy. She pointed out that trustee meetings are held on nights when the library is not open. Ms. Neil said she polled Book Group members, and while it was agreed that Wednesdays would work, they preferred to keep the meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. Ms. Neil said members told her they sometimes feel rushed out after an hour, and that there should not be a time limit. Ms. Letarte Mueller said sometimes members are no longer discussing the book.

Ms. Parkinson reiterated that the policy was approved and must be adhered to. Ms. Letarte Mueller said there is no need for further discussion, as she agrees to continue having the Book Group meet on Tuesdays. Ms. Parkinson asked Ms. Mueller to have the Book Group time put on the library website calendar.




 – In addition to other programs, fall programming will include working with the Friends group to organize a film festival of Hitchcock films for 7-8 nights.

 – Ms. Letarte Mueller is working on a job description for Head of Adult Services

 – An “Open Mic” night is planned for May.

 – The Summer Reading Program will be minimal because of staff shortages.


 – There will likely be an article on the Annual Town Meeting warrant for $7,500 for a heating/cooling unit for the main floor.


             –  An outside door for the Community Room is available from Town Hall.

  • A total of 35 stackable program chairs have been ordered for the Community Room; 25 with arms, and 10 folding without arms. The are expected to arrive in four weeks.
    • Flooring samples are available for trustees to look at prior to the May 8 meeting.
      • The library will close at 1 pm on May 31 for staff training.
      • Ms. Letarte Mueller has joined the CWMARS Strategic Planning Committee.



The board reviewed old town bylaws pertaining to the library from the turn of the last century, and revised six of them, which were pared down to three. The bylaws concern election of trustees, appropriations, appointment of a director, and submitting annual reports. Some sections, such as the election of trustees, is covered by state law.

A motion (made by Ms. Nugent and seconded by Ms. Zapantis) to send the revisions to the town solicitor for review in time to get it on the June annual town meeting warrant was unanimously approved.


Ms. Parkinson asked trustees to think of possible members for a committee to investigate building a new library or renovating the existing building. They could include members or former members of the town Finance Committee, select boards, the director of the economic office, the facilities director, the library director, a trustee, and anyone with experience in construction and financing municipal projects.


NEXT MEETING: A meeting is scheduled for 9:30 am May 8, to discuss the proposed bylaw revisions, and discuss flooring samples for the Community Room. A backup time of 4:15 pm on May 15 for this meeting was agreed upon.

A regular meeting is scheduled for 6:45 pm May 29.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:22 pm.

Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent, secretary.