February 2024 Minutes

Trustees meeting 2.27.24

Attendees: Wendy Neil, Gloria Parkinson, Francisco Ramos, Jill Ashton, Karen Nugent, Director Marie Letarte

Absent: Colby Armstrong

Call to order: 6:02 PM

Public comment

No public comment 

Approval of minutes

Gloria motioned to accept minutes, Wendy seconded.  Unanimously approved. 


Director’s report

Clinton personnel board declined to meet again to discuss rewritten job description and classification for the proposed assistant director.  In the previous meeting, the position had been placed on the grid, but not been funded at an Assistant Director level. The budget Marie will submit does not include appropriate funding for an Assistant Director salary. Will seek other opportunities to move the Assistant Director position in the future. 

FY25 budget narrative was discussed and grammar edits were offered. Gloria praised the materials as excellent documents. Gloria motioned to approve FY25 budget proposal, Wendy seconded, unanimously approved. 

Welcome sign and anniversary banner were torn up in a wind storm. Permanent library sign has been installed. 

New part time staff member hired. 


Marie is going on vacation and staff have asked for an emergency contact. Mike Ward volunteered, but does not work on Saturday. Karen will serve as contact on Saturday and back up for Mike. 

Marie submitted a community challenge grant for a GRIT Freedom Chair chair that goes over rough terrain—for nature walks and such. 

Subcommittee reports

Building Subcommittee

February 13 committee met. Jacqueline McGuire has joined the committee. She had participated in the focus group and is interested in supporting the committee’s efforts. Discussion about creating “did you know” postcards. March 22 next meeting. 


February 16 committee met. Discussed advocating for anticipated open positions on the Trustee board. MBLC has available trustee job descriptions. A notice will be posted to the library website and made publicly available after reviewing the job description. 

Committee will reach out to housing authority director to develop relationship. 

For future discussion: “What is the role of the library?” – capture stories from patrons to demonstrate institution’s value. 


Internet and computer use policy and lending policy discussed. Tabled lending policy for further review. Karen motion, Gloria seconded, approval of internet and computer use policy, unanimously approved. 

New business

Unfinished business

Dates of next meetings:

Friday March 22 9:30 Advocacy

Friday March 22 11:00 Building 

Wednesday March 20 11:00 Policies 

Tuesday March 26 6:00 Trustees

Adjourned 7:00pm

Submitted by Jill Ashton