January 2016 Minutes

Minutes of January 21, 2016

Call to order @ 6:05. Caroline, Fran, Gloria & Russ in attendance.

Motion to accept unofficial minutes by Fran, 2nd by Gloria. All approved.

Discussion to remove executive session minutes for release at a later date.

Russ proposed to ask the personnel board for clarification as to what the minimum number of hours an exempt employee must work.

Motion to remove executive session minutes by Fran. 2nd by Caroline. All approved.

Cluster and release outstanding executive session minutes on future agenda.

Brief discussion of recording meetings. Motion by Russ; 2nd by Gloria to table until next meeting.

Table bylaws. Update to future date. Motioned by Russ. 2nd by Caroline. All in favor.

Discussion of staff appreciation letters. Gloria personalized and sent. She distributed copies of volunteer & Friend appreciation letters for Trustees to take home and review.

Trustees recommend that the Children’s Area have a best seller area.

Gloria will contact town administrator about hiring a seasonal person to shovel for winter. Trustees feel that this is an emergency.

Director has consulted with someone about the brick work. Still waiting for an estimate.

Director has contact 2 companies about phones. Will contact 3rd.

Director was contacted by Al Cotton from Nypro foundation about a matching N. Worcester County Foundation.  Director will meet with him.

Next meeting date will be Feb 18 at 6pm

Russ motioned to adjourn at 8pm. 2nd by Caroline. All approved.