July 2021 Minutes

Library Trustees Meeting Minutes for July 27th @ 4:30

Call to order @ 4:30 p.m. by Chair Wendy Neil

In attendance: Chairwoman Wendy Neil, Gloria Parkinson, Sarah Laganelli, Karen Nugent, Library Director Marie Letarte. Guest: Friends of the Bigelow Library president Donna Jones. E. Russell Grady was absent.

No public comment

Motion to move all voting issues to the beginning of the meeting while there was a quorum. All approved.

Acceptance of minutes from June made by Karen Nugent, seconded by Sarah Laganelli. All approved

Discussion of minutes with no changes or amendments. Motion to approve minutes made by Wendy Neil, seconded by Sarah Laganelli. All approved.

Discussion of holidays. Motion to stay open Veterans Day & give staff a floating holiday made by Wendy Neil, seconded by Gloria. (Veterans Day is one of the official town holidays). All approved.

Sarah Laganelli left at 4:42

Friends update – the Friends do have a table at Old Home Day.  Donna Jones, Friends president would like the Friends to have a book sale. They need volunteers & books.  The Trustees thanked Donna & the Friends for all of their work. Trustees G. Parkinson, W. Neil, & K. Nugent volunteered to help.

Donna Jones left the meeting at 5:14

Director’s Report

Karen and Gloria will do the Director’s evaluation.

Discussion of two candidates for the interim trustee position. No quorum, no voting.

Following discussion items to be agenda items for next meeting:

  • form official advocacy subcommittee
  • review the library for future reorganization

Date of next meeting is 5:30 on August 11 in the Selectboard chambers, right before the joint meeting with the Selectboard.

Motion to adjourn made by Wendy at 6:01.