February 9, 2021 Minutes

Library Trustees Minutes of Tuesday January 26th, 2021 Meeting Rescheduled to February 9th, 2021.

The Meeting convened at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom.

In attendance by roll call: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice
chairwoman; Stephanie Amell, E. Russell Grady, Sarah Laganelli and Karen Nugent; and Marie Letarte, Library Director.

Approval of Library Minutes: The December 22nd Meeting Minutes were unanimously approved with the following amendments. Under Approval of Minutes the word “that” was added ahead of “Previously read”. Also there was clarification under “Budget” that the CFNCM (The Community Foundation of North Central Mass) money that” Nypro had originally gifted” $10,000 with an additional $5,000.00 was matched from the CFNCM for a seed total of $15,000. The current total is $18, 803.11.

The minutes from January 12th Meeting were also unanimously approved with the
following amendments. Clarification about patron at desk who told employee “she tested
positive for Covid” and she was upset that she had to quarantine for 14 days. .” but was
told she did not need to quarantine” was deleted and added “she was upset that she had to
quarantine for 14 days”. “Fears” was deleted and replaced with “concerns” reading “This
escalated concerns of staff.”

Public Comment: None

Directors Report: Ms. Letarte reported that the boiler wasn’t losing water but needed a
new sensor and the repair is completed and have not had trouble with the boiler since the
repair. The fire alarm has also been replaced and installed. The elevator passed for 90
days and requires “weights” to fix the issues. Otis will be back to fix as they did not have
the weights on their truck at the time.

The Town Administrator has been informed about the leaks in the roof via email on 4
occasions and also by phone.

A new Facilities Director hire is expected soon.

The Emergency Board of Trustees meeting on January 12th, 2021 suspended in person
visits for now.

Ms. Letarte announced we joined as a library “The Guastavino Alliance”. They had done
the ceiling in the library and could help the library learn about grants, lectures and
programs and maybe other opportunities. Ms. Neil asked if that could help out when
renovating and Ms. Letarte wasn’t sure.

Ms. Letarte also mentioned monthly staff wellness yoga in January.

Mr. Grady requested a log of who was working in the library and what days. Ms. Letarte
responded that everyone who works 35 hours has sick time, days off and personal time
and that there are a minimum of 3 employees at a time and a maximum of 8. There are 4
full time and 4 part time employees. Mr. Grady clarified he isn’t looking for a detailed
“in and out” of the employees but wanted to know who was in the building and what days
they are working. Ms. Parkinson asked if he was looking for a “grid type schedule” to
which Mr. Grady responded that he would just like a copy of the work schedule.
Ms. Letarte emailed the trustees the schedule.

Mr. Grady, Ms. Parkinson and Ms. Letarte met for the review of Ms. Letarte and agreed
that the notes would be looked over by Mr. Grady and then released. 

The book shack is still doing well and the patrons are still utilizing it.

New Business: Ms. Parkinson talked about the WebJunction Advocacy Webinar. Ms.
Letarte re-emailed the links for those that had not yet attended. Talked about how it helps
to “Tell a Story” when advocating for the library and recommended everyone watch the
webinar and use this tool to help with library advocacy am=nd speaking with senators.
S127 is the bill number and the most recent press release was 1/29/ 2021.

Old Business: Ms. Parkinson discussed how in the March Meeting the consultants will
present their “Gold Standard”. Ms. Parkinson is going to ask for at least a week notice of
how the consultants plan is going to look ahead of time. Ms. Letarte is going to email
them by the 23rd.

Ms. Neil and Ms. Nugent met today with Marci from Stefura to look at the community
room. Due a lack of communication, Russ Grady, a member of the community room
subcommittee was not present. Discussed that there was a lot of potential to make the
room warm and comfortable for patrons. Discussed updating the rug, painting walls,
changing the lighting. Talked about 2 sets of chairs. Looking into different options and
the woman gave suggestions. They will meet as a subcommittee after she gets the plans
to the subcommittee. Ms. Neil will send an email to the subcommittee. It was brought up
by the decorator that the ceiling tiles were original and someone had painted over them.
Ms. Nugent suggested talking to the Guastavino Society.

Next meeting is scheduled for March 23rd, 2021 at 4:30 p.m.

Scheduled Subcommittee meeting for February 23rd.

Meeting adjourned at 5:58 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Sarah Laganelli