April 2020 Minutes

The meeting was held remotely (online via Zoom) due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The meeting convened at 4:03 pm.

A roll call vote was taken: In attendance were:

Trustees: Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Tracy Colangione, Angela DeVivo, E. Russell Grady, and Karen Nugent, secretary; and Marie Letarte, library director.

  1. APPOVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from the March 3, 2020 meeting and the March 16 online meeting were both unanimously approved. (Motion by Mr. Grady, seconded by Ms. Colangione.)
  2. PUBLIC COMMENT: None. The public was able to access the Zoom meeting.

                A. Staffing: Ms. Letarte said staff is working remotely, and at the library, using a rotating schedule with one person upstairs and one downstairs. The staff works out the scheduling among themselves. Ms. Letarte said trustees can close the building, but can’t order the staff to still be paid, unless they are working, because library staff are town employees. According to the Board of Selectmen, the library building must be staffed. Employees may use accrued sick or vacation or personal time if they are uncomfortable working in the building. They may also choose to work part of a week remotely.

The library is being fogged (decontaminated) twice a week. No materials are being loaned out.

Mr. Grady requested a weekly account and schedule of who is working where and when. Ms. Letarte will provide that for trustees.

Ms. Neil asked what can actually be done in the library at this time. Ms. Letarte said they are doing online book reviews, continuing education, videos, and other things.

B. Patron Services: Ms. Letarte said patrons can leave voice messages on the telephone answering line. Several patrons have called requesting help with filing for unemployment and filling out the census. 

                C. Virtual Programs: There is a Bigelow library YouTube channel which will host poetry readings for National Poetry Month, one minute book reviews, improv shows, and Facebook Live.

                D. Facilities: Mr. Grady asked if the book drop box is closed. Ms. Letarte said it is still used for mail. No books or other materials are due until after May 5 or when the building opens.

                                Mr. Grady requested that the box be welded shut, and mail be delivered to Town Hall. The board agreed to ask Ms. Letarte to contact the town facilities director to get the box tack welding shut; and that Ms. Letarte get a change of address from the library to Town Hall from the postal service.

                E. WARRANT: The bi-weekly warrant will be signed virtually by at least two trustees, using a PDF file.

                F. BUDGET: The budget has already been approved through July 1. If the Annual Town Meeting is delayed, the town budget will go forward using 1/12th of the current budget per month.

Ms. Colangione and Ms. DeVivo announced that they would not be seeking re-election in June. The board thanked them for their service.

The meeting adjourned at 4:58 pm.  The date of the next meeting will be announced later.

Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent