June 2019 Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 6:46 pm in the lower conference room at Town Hall.

In attendance were: Trustees Tracy Colangione, E. Russell Grady, Wendy Neil, Karen Nugent, and Gloria Parkinson; and Library Director Marie Letarte Mueller.

1. Election of Officers: Nominations were made for Ms. Parkinson as chairwoman; Ms Neil as vice chairwoman, and Ms. Nugent as secretary – the current officers. A motion was made by Ms. Colangione and seconded by Ms. Neil to accept the slate. Under discussion, Mr. Grady asked if there is a process to rotate the offices each year. There is not. He requested that such a rotation be established in the future. The motion passed 5-0. Trustee Angela DeVivo was not in attendance.

2. Approval of Minutes: Minutes of the May 29, 2019 meeting were accepted by a vote of 4-0-1, with Mr. Grady abstaining as he was not a trustee at that meeting. There was one amendment: Under Director’s Evaluation, the name “Ms. Collarbone” was corrected to “Ms. Colangione.”

Under discussion of the minutes, Mr. Grady questioned a new policy approved at the May 29 meeting about political campaigning on library property. He said he was concerned as a citizen about the library co-sponsoring the May 21, 2019 Candidate’s Night with the Item newspaper, and that questions for candidates were submitted to Ms. Letarte Mueller rather than to the moderator. Mr. Grady also questioned if politicking already takes place at the library, and gave the Legislative Breakfast as an example. Ms. Parkinson responded that an email was sent out clarifying that the library was not a co-sponsor of Candidate’s Night, and that the Town Solicitor was asked about political campaigning in town buildings, and  said no canvassing is allowed. She said the new policy applies to all candidates: local, state, and national. She said the breakfast was for elected officials, not those seeking office.


  1. Director’s Report:

FACILITIES: All facilities, personnel and maintenance, will fall under the town Facilities Department as of July 1, 2019.

So far, $22,788.50 remains in the Clinton Home Foundation grant for refurbishment of the Community Room. No carpet samples have been received yet.

PLANNING: Summer reading and other programs are starting up, including a scavenger hunt with 11 other libraries, story times in the park, Walk with a Doc and library laps in the park, and a new summer meals program.

The library will be closed on July 4.

PERSONNEL: Ms. Letarte has 11 resumes for the new Head of Adult Services position. Resumes will be accepted through June 30.

FRIENDS UPDATE: A recent book sale netted $228.50 in sales, plus $222.17 from one customer, a book scanner.

Also, Ms. Letarte Mueller said the trustees handbook by the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners is available. Contact info for trustees was handed out.

OLD BUSINESS:  Ms. Nugent asked for an update on cataloging old books in the closed stacks. It will be put on the next meeting agenda.

Mr. Grady asked about an incident in which someone allegedly spent the night in the library some months ago. Ms. Letarte Mueller said there was no proof it happened. Mr. Grady asked if the library will get security cameras and alarms. Ms. Parkinson said the facilities director is arranging to purchase cameras for all town departments in bulk, to save money.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6 pm on July 23.

Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent, secretary.