April 2024 Minutes

Meeting Minutes for 04/30/24

Trustees Present: Wendy Neil, Karen Nugent, Jill Ashton, Francisco Ramos, Gloria Parkinson
and Colby Armstrong.

Call to order at 6:00 PM

No Public Comment.

Approval of minutes from February Motion Made by Gloria, Wendy Seconded. Approved by all

At 06:02 Jacquelyn McGuire, a member of the public, joined us.

Director’s Report:

  • The Director had numerous applicants for the open position, made an offer. Applicant
    accepted the offer, but requested a higher starting salary, Director contacted Town
    Administrator Michael Ward in regards to this. Waiting for his reply.
  • The library has been functioning with lower staff levels and new staff has been doing
  • Will discuss the pro/con list of possible sites with SB tomorrow (05/01/24)

Library BOT agreed on the Chestnut St Location as the primary second location for the grant
project, over School St.

Trustees voted on Closure of the library for staff training day: Motion made by Colby, Seconded by Karen Approved by all trustees.



  • Lost Items Policy: Motion to approve by Colby, Seconded by Francisco. all approved
  • Trustee Ethics Policy: Motion Made by Gloria to Approve and seconded by Francisco. All
  • Sustainability Policy: Motion made by Gloria to approve seconded by Karen. all

Friends update: made about $700 from mini golf.

Gloria stated that on behalf of the library board of trustees, Assistant Town Administrator Angela Snell has been very helpful in regard to the building subcommittee

New Business:

Recommended that the room upstairs to clean and organize. Trustees want the library as presentable as possible for the grant application reviewers.

Date of next meeting 05/29/24.

Motion to adjourn made by Gloria @ 7:13 PM and seconded by Wendy. All in favor