May 2024 Minutes

Board of Library Trustees Meeting Minutes for 05/29/24

Present: Wendy Neil, Karen Nugent, Colby Armstrong, Francisco Ramos, and Gloria
Parkinson. Director Marie Letarte

Absent: Jill Ashton

Call to order @ 18:00hrs

Public Comment: Christina Gagliardi spoke and she stated she plans to run as a write-in
for the 2-year position.

Approval of 04/30 minutes motion was made to approve the meeting minutes by Wendy and seconded by Francisco. Unanimous approval.

Director’s report:
Marie is looking for members for the “green team” to help facilitate the Sustainable
Libraries Certification and will discuss this further at the next meeting.

The library was approved for an AARP grant for a GRIT Freedom Chair
Motion Made by Gloria to approve the building program as is, seconded by Karen.
Unanimous Approval.

Subcommittee Updates:
Advocacy met and talked about having advocacy materials printed in Portuguese as well as Spanish. Marie will talk to the school and see how many Portuguese families are in Clinton.

Date of next meeting: 06/25/24

Motion to adjourn @ 18:36 Made by Karen seconded by Wendy Unanimous Approval.