July 2024 Minutes

Date of meeting 07/23/24

Trustees Present: Colby Armstrong, Jacqueline McGuire, Marty Shaughnessy, Gloria Parkinson, Jill Ashton, Francisco Ramos. Director Marie Letarte

Call to Order: 6:00pm

No Public comment

Election of officers; a description of each position was reviewed for trustees:

  • Gloria nominated for Chair by Colby, seconded by Jill
  • Jill nominated by Colby for Vice Chair, seconded by Francisco
  • Gloria nominated Colby for Secretary, seconded by Jill
  • Gloria nominated for Treasurer by Colby, seconded Jill

Jill made a motion to nominate the slate of officers, Francisco seconded

Unanimous vote in favor of the slate as presented.

Future Meeting dates set on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 6:00pm: August 27, Sept 24, Oct 22, Nov 26

Vote on Minutes from previous meeting: Motion made by Colby to approve the minutes, seconded by Francisco. Unanimous vote in favor

Directors report:

  • Work on chimney is being done
  • Floor at circulation desk is being replaced, date TBD
  • A family would like to donate money to library, we are working with CFNCM to create a fund to manage the donated money. Approval was needed by the board. Motion made by Colby Seconded by Francisco. Unanimous vote in favor

Colby left the meeting and Jill took minutes for the rest of the meeting.

Subcommittee missions and assignments:

Policy review subcommittee: Gloria

Building subcommittee: Jacqueline, Marty

Advocacy subcommittee: Francisco, Gloria

Professional development: Gloria is attending the virtual LAFCON

Marie received a scholarship to attend ARSL in Springfield in Sept.

Advocacy subcommittee report:

Opportunities for trustees to engage in social media and communicate the value of the library

  • Clinton Reading Challenge (Clinton vs. Clinton)
  • Book Bike around town
  • Q&A about construction grant

Advocacy engaging in conversation about innovative ways to connect with folks in the community – inviting folks to utilize resources and bringing services out of Bigelow to sites across Clinton.  Important work of communicating need for library improvements and process for renovations or new build. 

  • Committee attends and responds to shifting demographics of the town. 
  • Trustees should be reaching out to legislators to ask for support of $150m bond. 

Policy subcommittee did not meet last month. 

Building subcommittee did not meet

New business

Marty introduced himself and provided information about himself as well as his commitment to community services. Has experience with veteran services and community focused organizations. Worked as a social worker and supported folks seeking support services. Enjoys working with people and is excited about serving on the board of trustees. 

Jaqueline introduced herself. Born and raised in Clinton. Mom, three grown kids. Works full time in Boston. Love the idea of being able to contribute. Was reintroduced to the library through building forum hosted last year. Retiring in 10 years – excited about how the community will grow, develop, and respond to needs. 

Gloria – libraries save lives. 

Adjourned 7:33pm.