August 2024 Minutes

Trustees present: Gloria, Colby, Jill, Jacqueline, and Colby. Library Director, Marie Letarte.

Trustees absent: Francisco and Marty.

Guest speaker: Phyllis Staffier, representing the Friends of the Bigelow Library

Call to order 18:00

No public comment

Motion made by Colby to accept July meeting minutes. Seconded by Jill.

Motion made by Jill to accept minutes as amended seconded by Colby. Unanimous approval

Representative from Friends: Phyllis discussed the garden beds, with a proposal from the Friends gardening committee. She wants to get native plants (less maintenance), wants to plant them sooner than later. She explained some possible ideas for garden beds around the library (taking out burning bushes and repurposing/rehoming other plants). Proposal was approved by the director.

Motion made by Jill to accept the plan given by Phyllis, seconded by Colby.  Unanimous approval.

Directors report: book bike battery died but otherwise successful summer.

Staff training went well.  Future: Half day in November and full day in January to renew CPR, AED, & first aid training.

Sustainable library initiative will be rolled into all subcommittees

Marie will attend Association of Rural and Small Libraries conference, she received a scholarship

Talked about meeting space issues and other grants. Suggestion to keep track of when someone asks to use the Community Room, but it isn’t available.

Building subcommittee is meeting Sept  27

Will update the town building committee of grant resolution. Reviewer was happy we had a permanent building committee

Policies: motion made by Jill to approve recycling policy seconded by Colby unanimous approval

Motion made by Jill to approve the adoption of the ALA Library Bill of Rights seconded by Colby unanimous approval

Marie will email trustees her evaluation and trustees will send Gloria her feedback.

A grant awarded to the Library from the AARP;  we got an off-road GRIT Freedom wheelchair.

Next meeting Sept 24th at 18:30

Motion to adjoin at 19:23 made by Jill seconded by Colby

Unanimous approval