June 2023 Minutes

Minutes for June 27, 2023 – Board of Library Trustees

In attendance: Wendy Neil, Karen Nugent, Director Marie Letarte, Gloria Parkinson, Colby Armstrong, Jill Ashton Absent: Francisco Ramos

Invited Guest: Barbara Friedman

Town administrator Mike Ward arrived at 6:37 pm

Call to order 18:05

Public comment by Cathy who lives across the street. She loves the library.

Motion made by Wendy to move chair report to after public comment. Seconded by Karen.

Unanimous vote in favor.

Wendy’s chair report talked about many of the positive changes the board has made over her

years as a trustee and chair. Wendy also thanked all trustees past and present for their hard work.

Election of officers:

We welcome Jill Ashton to board as our newest trustee.

Wendy Neil nominated Karen Nugent as chair, Gloria seconded

Karen nominated Gloria Parkinson as vice chair, Wendy Neil seconded

Wendy nominated Colby Armstrong as secretary, seconded by Gloria Parkinson.

Gloria suggest we put dates in our meeting minutes when discussing notes from subcommittee

meetings. Gloria also made motion to amend minutes that were discussed in our 06/27 meeting.

Seconded by Colby. Unanimous vote in favor.

Invited guest Barbara Friedman, library building consultant discussed MPLCP grant program

                        Recommended making town report unique, reflecting unique community, throughout history and now for the building grant application

                        July 13 Greenfield Library reopening, after its renovation. doing something very similar with its building renovations 

                        Very long process, lots of little details and barriers to work through

                        Cost of renovations vs from the ground up –usually renovations are more expensive

                        Review of application process for town administrator Mike Ward

                        Government and community outreach

                        Permanent building committee for projects over $50k

                        Barbara Friedman left meeting at 7:11 pm

            Motion to accept Barbara Friedman as building consultant by Wendy, 2nd by Gloria, all approved


            MPLCP grant application update


            Director’s report

                        Approval of application for extra hours, likely on Saturday afternoons,

possibly Sunday or Monday, based on input from the survey,

evening hours extended on Tuesdays,

Motion by Gloria to open library for 5 additional hours on Tuesday evenings and Saturday afternoons to be active after Labor Day, 2nd by Karen, all approved

Year to date budget –on track.  Will have to overspend in the Materials line because it was not adjusted to reflect the 15% required by state statute when salaries were adjusted

                        Friends update

                                    Still looking for new Friends

                                    Promoting more, ad campaign to get more people involved

                        Challenge update

                        Very vocal person on Facebook talking badly about Library due to dishing out drag

                        Problem with book “gender queer” over graphic content


            Subcommittee updates

                        Building & facilities

                                    Karen, Gloria, Francisco (Marie)

                                    150k warrant article passed

                                    Decided not to do postcards

                                    Various workshops and meetings

                                    List of to-dos

                                    Possible new locations for alternate site required by grant application

                        Advocacy and outreach

                                    New marketing strategies, getting the news about the 150th out

                                    Suggestions to work with Coffeelands or other town businesses


                                    Board of Trustees Code of Ethics – up for a vote

                                                Wendy objected to the details of one of the points

                                                Committee  to review at its next meeting on July 14th


Mike ward left at 8:25 pm

Unfinished business

                        Marie’s review: two people or as committee? Whether or not we have to post it

            Press releases with library news

New business

            Reading challenge: Battle of the Clintons starting after July 4

Date of next meeting July 25, 6pm

Motion to adjourn at 8:45 pm by Gloria, 2nd by Wendy, all approve

Minutes submitted by Gabrielle Turcotte