September 2020 Minutes

LIBRARY TRUSTEE MINUTES of September 10, 2020

The meeting convened at 5 pm via Zoom, because of the pandemic.

In attendance by roll call: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman, acting secretary for this meeting; Karin Nugent, E. Russell Grady, Sarah Langanelli, Stephanie Amell; and Library Director Marie Letarte.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the July 16, 2020 Zoom meeting were approved. Russ Grady made a motion to accept minutes and Sarah Langanelli 2nd the motion. No discussion.

ELECTION OF OFFICER: Previously there had been a tie for Chairperson so this position still had to be decided though the vice chair is all set and the secretary position will rotate. 

Karen Nugent nominated Gloria Parkinson for Chair and Wendy Neil seconded the motion.  Russ Grady noted that he felt the same person had been acting chair since 2014.  Ms. Parkinson was re-elected as chairwoman by a vote of 5-1 with Mr. Grady voting against Ms. Parkinson’s re-election.



  1. FACILITIES: The Request for Proposals Subcommittee (Ms. Letarte, Ms. Nugent, Mr. Karlstad), for picking the company to do the building feasibility study, has not met due to the pandemic. However, it was suggested by the board that Ms. Letarte + Ms. Nugent email Mr. Karlstad their choices of the firms so that it can be decided in order for the project to move forward. In addition Marie visited Wellesley library, but noted that it was very different from Clinton so the firm that did that design was not parallel to what was needed here. Marie’s goal was to visit other libraries, but again because of the pandemic has been unable to do so.
  2. COMMUNITY ROOM: The community room is still be used for quarantining returned items. With that being noted, Ms. Parkinson suggested the Community Room subcommittee (Ms. Nugent, Ms. Neil, Mr. Grady) go ahead with looking for furniture and other room improvements that can be put in place for when the room re-opens.
  3. The Book drop was re-visited with the majority of the Trustees wanting the dropbox in front of the library. However, Marie stated that during the shut down the Book Shack is out back and by appointment, patrons enter the library from the back entrance right now so for the moment that is where the traffic is. It was suggested that instead of moving the Book drop post pandemic, we simply put a second one out front. Marie was going to check if the “old” Drop box would work in front, by the gate.
  4. Starting September 12th in person visits to the youth area will be allowed by appointment only, following strict guidelines; masks required, hand sanitizer & gloves available, sanitizing spray & paper towels used. Appointments will be for 30 minutes to either use the computers or browse. Computers should be wiped down before and after use.


Marie submitted a grant proposal to Nypro for virtual programming technology.

Marie would love to have a town issued credit card but they do not issue but she will check again in case anything changed.  Some companies will not invoice and only accept payment by credit card so Marie has had to use a personal one.

The library does not need an additional text/phone number at this time so Marie will cancel.


The library will be “open” (to the extent it’s open during Covid) on Veteran’s Day.

Book Shack continues for book pick-up, appointments for computer use continues, and virtual, as well as limited in person events, continue.


Two part-time staff hired for youth services department.

Various reporting/financial forms opened and in process of being worked on.

Marie continues to attend various committee meeting virtually.


Ms. Parkinson gave us an update on the “Old Collection”; there was a hiatus because of 

Covid but she and another helper will resume going through the collection to catalog    the books and see if any are of particular importance.

It was decided by the board that going forward Zoom Trustee meetings would be the 4th Tuesday of the month, at 4:30 and if in person meetings could ever resume they would be back at 6:00.

Karen Nugent made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Russ Grady seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm. 

The next meeting is scheduled for 4:30 pm on September 29, via Zoom.