March 2020 Minutes

The meeting convened at 6:03 pm at the library.

IN ATTENDANCE: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Tracy Colangione, E. Russell Grady, Karen Nugent, secretary; and Library Director Marie Letarte.


  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the January 28, 2020, were approved by a vote of 4-0-1 with Ms. Nugent abstaining because she was not at that meeting. Mr. Grady made the motion to approve, seconded by Ms. Colangione



Proposals have been submitted for the Building Assessment (feasibility) Study. The Proposal Review Committee, consisting of Ms. Letarte, Ms. Colangione, and Facilities Director Russ Karlstad will review them, and select a firm to do the study by March 25, 2020. They will report their decision to the trustees at the March 31 meeting; and to the Selectmen on April 1, 2020.

A subcommittee will then be formed to work with the firm, with a proposal due by Sept., 2020. This subcommittee will likely consist of: Ms. Letarte, Mr. Karlstad, Phil Duffy, director of the community development office; Selectman Sean Kerrigan, and a trustee representative.

COMMUNITY ROOM: A bid from Mayou Construction of Clinton of $12,525 for interior French doors and to replace the exterior door slab and hardware has been accepted by Mr. Karlstad. It was submitted on Dec. 23, 2019 and received by Ms. Letarte at the end of January. She apologized to trustees for not informing them earlier. Work on the doors is scheduled to begin on March 9, 2020.

Ms. Letarte said there have been more requests from the community and other organizations to use the library. They can be scheduled up to three meetings, or three months, in advance.c

A film company used the Community Room on March 2 for staging. The production company made a $1,000 donation.

            B. BUDGET: A Finance Committee meeting on the preliminary budget took place March 3.

            C. PERSONNEL: Resumes for the children’s library assistant are being evaluated. There will be two part-time jobs of 15 and 20 hours per week respectively.

IMPORTANT DATES: Library Legislative Breakfast at the Bigelow Library on March 6, 2020.

Library Legislative Day at the Statehouse is April 2. A chartered bus is available from the Auburn library.


A. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS BUILDING ASSESSMENT SUBCOMMITTEE: The subcommittee’s (Ms. Letarte, Ms. Parkinson and Ms. DeVivo) work is done and trustees voted unanimously (motion by Mr. Grady/seconded by Ms. Nugent) to disband the subcommittee.

B. COMMUNITY ROOM SUBCOMMITTEE: Mr. Grady, Ms. Neil, and Ms. Nugent will meet regarding the next steps for refurbishing the room, possibly including buying furniture, carpeting, walls, a new movie screen, shades, and painting.

The subcommittee has requested an ongoing detailed breakdown of costs from the contractor and/or Mr. Karlstad, and Ms. Letarte.

 The subcommittee will bring all information to the full Board of Trustees for discussion.


Mr. Grady asked about the status of a new book drop box discussed several months ago. Ms. Letarte said she spoke with the public works department and was told it is not feasible to install one in the winter, so she had not yet ordered one. Mr. Grady disagrees about installing in winter. Ms. Letarte will speak to the DPW about placement of the box, and was asked to order one now.

Mr. Grady requested Ms. Letarte’s job description. Ms. Parkinson will obtain it and distribute.

Ms. Parkinson asked about health and safety precautions regarding the library and the predicted Corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak. Ms. Letarte said they will follow state regulations, and adhere to a policy of closing the library when schools are closed, and follow instructions from town officials.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:18 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 31 at the library. The April 16 meeting will take place at Town Hall.

Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent, secretary.