June 2018 Minutes



The meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm at the library.

In attendance were: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Tracy Colangione, Angela DeVivo, Karen Nugent, secretary; and Alex Zapantis; and Library Director Marie Mueller. Also present was Brad Barker, a trustee of the Boylston public library.


  1. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Nominations were made as follows: Ms. Parkinson as chairwoman, Ms. Neil as vice chairwoman, and Ms. Nugent as secretary. A motion was made by Ms. Zapantis, seconded by Ms. DeVivo, to vote on the slate. The motion passed 6-0, unanimously.
  2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The May 22, 2018 minutes were approved unanimously.
  4. CONSTRUCTION DISCUSSION WITH BRAD BARKER, BOYLSTON TRUSTEE: Mr. Barker gave an overview of the process the town of Boylston went through to renovate its library, without using state grants. His main points were: Plan a 30-year vision; engage townspeoples’ and official’s input as soon as possible through marketing and forming relationships; work with the town via compromises should problems arise, and be willing to work in phases; and hire an owner’s project manager early on.
  5. DIRECTORS REPORT: Ms. Mueller said about 150 people responded to resident surveys passed out at town meeting and online. They will also be offered to PTA and other school groups. At the July 19 meeting, a library consultant will be available to brainstorm at a mini-retreat with trustees related to strategic planning.

Ms. Mueller said they are still waiting for information on installing security measures, including cameras and alarms. A group purchase with other town departments is pending. The community room work has started, with the outside vestibule removed, and an exploratory dig finished. The facilities director’s update said work to repair and finish walls is expected to be done this summer, and he is expecting the new windows in July.

HVAC: Ms. Mueller said Morris Mechanical has been called several times to inspect upstairs.

PERSONNEL:Trustees approved an advertisement for the new Head of Youth Services position, with one change: Under qualifications, “preferred” (to have a master’s degree in library science or early childhood education) was changed to “required.” Resumes for the position are due by July 24.

Ms. Mueller will be on vacation June 27-July 12. Ms. Parkinson will review and sign time sheets.


  2. A. FRIENDS OF THE BIGELOW PUBLIC LIBRARY: They have received official nonprofit 501 c 3 status with the IRS.
  3. MARKETING AND OUTREACH: An outreach letter to new town residents outlining the benefits of the library was approved. Ms. Nugent will address and stuff envelopes. Also, trustees decided that they will ask the consultant for other outreach suggestions at the July 19 meeting.


There was no pubic comment.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for 3 pm July 19 at the library.


Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent, secretary.