The meeting was called to order at 5 pm at the library.
In attendance were: Library Director Marie Mueller; Trustees Tracy Colangione, Angela DeVivo, Wendy Neil, Karen Nugent, and Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman, and John Mollica, member of the public.
- APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Dec. 5, 2017, Trustee Personnel Subcommittee meeting were unanimously approved.
The minutes of the March 27, 2018 trustee regular meeting were unanimously approved, with one change: The name “Bob Barker” a Boylston library trustee, was corrected to Brad Barker.
- FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST: Ms. Parkinson reported that she and Ms. Mueller have compiled a packet of information requested by Ken Cleveland of The Item pertaining to the children’s librarian salary, subcommittee meeting minutes, and emails. A motion to authorize Ms. Parkinson to hand deliver the packet to the Item office on April 20, 2018 (made by Ms. DeVivo, seconded by Ms. Colangione) passed unanimously.
- LIBRARY POLICIES: A vote (made by Ms. Parkinson and seconded by Ms. Colangione) to move Public Comment up on the agenda was approved unanmously at this time.
- Closed stacks: A request from John Mollica to access the “closed stacks” off the Children’s Room and behind the circulation desk, was discussed. There is an existing policy that prohibits anyone other than library staff and trustees from going into the stacks, with the exception of “invited people conducting official library business” due to safety and ADA issues. Invited people would include those making repairs such as electricians and plumbers. Closed stacks do not mean the books are not available; they are available upon request. There is a card catalog for the materials in the Community Room downstairs. Mr. Mollica, of Holden, a historian and the author of a book on Clinton’s World War II veterans, said he would like to browse the stacks for research on Clinton’s industrial past and its entrepreneurial leaders. He submitted to the trustees two documents: his biography and an official request. He said he was allowed access in the past, and offered to volunteer in assisting trustees in a continuing project to catalog the materials in the stacks. Trustees agreed to allow Mr. Mollica access as a “professional conducting library business” as long as he volunteers to help with reviewing old books accompanied by staff or trustees.
- After hours policy: A recently approved policy that prohibited staff from being in the library during closed hours was amended to: “Out of concern and safety of library employees, during closed hours no staff should be in the library without prior permission of the director.” A motion to approve the change (made by Ms.Colangione; seconded by Ms. DeVivo) passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:31 p.m.
The next meeting is scheduled for 6 pm May 22.
Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent, secretary.