The meeting convened at 6 p.m. in the 2nd floor Children’s Room.
In attendance were: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Tracy Colangione, Julianna Record-Massalski, and Karen Nugent; and Library Director Marie Mueller.
Minutes from the meetings of Feb. 15 (joint meeting with the selectmen), and Feb. 16 were approved unanimously.
There were no public comments.
Ms. Parkinson updated the board on the grant request to the Clinton Home Foundation. A March 6, 2017 letter was sent to Caroline Keiger, president of the Clinton Home Foundation, requesting $36,981 for refurbishment of the lower level community room. The board is still awaiting a response.
Ms. Parkinson gave a recap of long term strategic planning for a new or renovated library. Board members have copies of information pertaining to grant programs offered by the state Board of Library Commissioners. There are two types: design and planning, and construction. They are given out in rotating years and the next round of deadlines has not been announced, however, it is likely the trustees will have enough work done to present initial information to voters at the 2019 or 2020 annual town meeting.
Trustees agreed that the first steps will include Ms. Mueller formulating a list of new or renovated libraries in comparable surrounding towns, going back to around 2000. Trustees will then visit these libraries to gather information. Trustees will create a list of questions, for the next meeting, to be asked when visits are made.
Trustees agreed to form two subcommittees. Ms. Colangione and Ms. Neil will work on outlining library policies for a brochure to be given to the public, and left at the desk. Ms. Parkinson and Ms. Record-Massalski will work on creating marketing documents to be placed in public spots around town.
Since subcommittees do not constitute a quorum of trustees, they are allowed to communicate via e-mail and other means without violating the state Open Meeting Law. However, they cannot e-mail other trustees asking for input. They can e-mail other trustees to disperse information.
Trustees agreed they will continue to pick up hard copies of meeting packets, rather than having Ms. Mueller scan and e-mail them.
Ms. Mueller gave the director’s report:
She said the Children’s Librarian has requested 10 additional hours per week because of administrative duties. There are two 35-hour a week employees, and one 20-hour a week employee. The board requested a written proposal with specifics to justify the need, although the board did not object to the request.
(NOTE: At this point in the meeting, Ms. Colangione left due to a family emergency.)
Ms. Mueller said old HVAC units have been leaking water. An estimate to repair or replace them was requested by trustees.
At Ms. Mueller’s urging, the board agreed Ms. Parkinson will contact U.S. Rep. Nikki Tsongas, D-Lowell, to offer her constituent office hours at the Bigelow Library. It would give trustees an opportunity to discuss future library funding and acquaint her with the library, while allowing Congresswoman Tsongas to meet with residents. This would be during the Congressional recess from April 8-23.
Ms. Mueller said three of the five public computers are not working, and the others are sketchy. She gave an overview of a new networking system called “UserFul”, which encompasses just one server (we now have individual servers) and 8-12 boxes called “zero clients” which connect to the server, but erase data once a patron has finished. The total cost for the server, 8 boxes, set up and maintenance is approximately $5,150 for the first year and about $1,600 annually after that. The cost is about the same as the current system and money can be taken from the technology fund. The change will have no effect on wireless service, but some new cables will have to be installed. The board voted 4-0 to move forward with the new system.
Ms. Mueller presented two proposals for a new printer, and service contracts. After some discussion about cost, trustees asked that she request a matching price on the printer and contract she prefers.
Under new business, Ms. Nugent requested that the board discontinue the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag at the beginning of meetings. Board members agreed. There was no flag in the room at this meeting.
Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent
Return to 2017 minutes
Bigelow Free Public Library
54 Walnut Street
Clinton, MA 01510
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Wednesday: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm
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