Minutes of the Board of Trustees
Meeting was called to order at 6pm, October 15, 2015. Susan Franco & Caroline Keiger were absent.
New business
Wendy made the motion to accept the minutes of Sept 10., 2015. Seconded by Fran. In discussion, Russ protested the use of the word absent concerning his absence on Sept. 10th because it was not the third Thursday.
Russ made a motion that the board create a policy that if the meetings need to be changed, there should be a unanimous vote on the date. Fran seconded the motion. Discussion included unanimous vs. following the quorum rule as described in open meeting rules of Massachusetts. The vote was called. Those in favor: Russ. Those against: Gloria, Wendy, Fran.
[Minutes still in discussion] Gloria said that the minutes should say ‘would contact’ Cindy Roach at MBLC, not ‘did contact.’ Wendy made the motion to accept the minutes as amended. Fran seconded. Russ abstained. In favor: Gloria, Fran, Wendy.
Russ made the motion to move Facilities Manager discussion with town Administrator Michael Ward to the next item on the agenda. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
Michael Ward answered questions about the town’s proposed Facilities Manager position and what it means for the library and the library custodial staff. He expects to have a meeting with affected staff. The director will talk with the library’s custodian about his concerns.
Russ made a motion to support the Selectboard in this project. Wendy seconded. No discussion. Unanimous approval.
No public comment.
Old business
Russ had spoken with several town attorneys about forming a foundation. He is waiting to hear back from Steven Philbin and will approach Austin Philbin directly. Said that the Clinton Bar Association will help form a foundation pro bono.
Gloria had spoken with Cindy Roach, who recommended speaking with other local library directors who have foundations for advice. Must create a mission statement for the foundation, it should have a broad scope.
Holidays: Russ made a motion to close the library Friday & Saturday after Thanksgiving. Discussion included issues with state compliance & certification as well as unfairness to other town employees. In favor: Russ. Opposed: Fran, Gloria, Wendy. Russ made a motion to close the library the Saturday after Christmas. Fran seconded. Discussion. In favor: Russ. Opposed: Wendy, Gloria, Fran.
Trustees were reminded of the upcoming Library Trustees Association meeting on November 7th in Northboro.
Director’s Report
- upcoming MBLC meeting to discuss recommended changes to the state aid program.
- full time position posted.
- Stowe library’s upcoming staff training. Would like to invite our staff to participate.
- Bids are in for the roof project.
- PC reservation will be installed Nov. 9th.
- 240 attendees to programs in Sept.
Next meeting November 19 at 6pm. Motion to adjourn 8:18pm