January 2020 Minutes


The meeting was called to order in the library at 6:01 p.m.

In attendance: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman and acting substitute secretary; Tracy Colangione, E.Russell Grady, and Library Director Marie Letarte.

  1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the December 18, 2019 meeting were unanimously approved. Tracy made a motion to accept the minutes Russ seconded, there was no discussion and minutes were approved.


  • FACILITIES: The elevator passed inspection and we are awaiting a certificate from the state. However, Russ G. believes the brick casing, or structure around the elevator is coming apart and is worried about structural safety. We were questioning if we need to get a warrant on the books for town meeting to address this issue.  Marie will check with Russ K. 

A concern about the roof continuing to leak was also addressed. Marie thinks it may have to do with the Chimney or flashing around the chimney; she will also ask Russ K about this issue.

Marie said that Jim Mayou came to the library and took some door frame pieces, which clearly leads us to believe he’s matching colors to order French doors.  However, the Trustees or the Community Room Subcommittee never received a quote on any scope of work, never knew that doors were possibly being ordered, and did not know of any kind of cost or time frame.  Again, Wendy questioned why the Trustees once again seem to be out of the loop on the Community Room project.  Marie will ask Russ K if Jim Mayou has a contract and timeline and get back to the subcommittee before the next Trustee Meeting.  Once the Community Room subcommittee has information they will post and hold another meeting.

  • BUDGET: Marie gave us the preliminary budget worksheet and narrative. 

When we were looking at the Budget request for FY21 and the Level Service “Expenses” it is to include 8 weeks to pay for a temp. while Laura is on maternity leave.

In talking about budget, Marie also noted that she has a candidate she’d like to hire for the “Head of Adult Services” position but due to her experience would like to offer her a higher salary. Therefore Tracy made a motion to authorize Marie to go to the Personnel Board to request a step 4 salary grade for the Head of Adult Services for the preferred candidate.  Russ seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

  • SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES: RFP BUILDING ASSESMENT SUBCOMMITEE: First, the board would like to express their appreciation for town Economic Development Director Phil Duffy for all his help with the RFP.  Phil joined the Trustees at this point in the meeting.

The RFP reflects the Board’s desires and goals for the building assessment project.  It will look to discover the fitness of the building to the goals and objectives that the space in the building can be used for. The library’s 5 year plan will be included in the packet with the RFP and expected to be reviewed by potential contractors. The RFP has everything in the contract that is required by law.

Once there are contractors bidding on the RFP, there will be a Review Committee that will then make recommendations to the Board of Trustees, that will then make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen.

Wendy made a motion that Phil, Tracy, and Marie be selected as the Review Committee for the RFP. Russ seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.

Russ G then made a motion that Russ K be an alternate for the Review Committee. Tracy seconded the motion and all approved. 

The Review Committee will have from February 24th – March 17th to review.

Phil Duffy went through the RFP giving an overview of all the sections. When we were done Russ G made a motion to approve the RFP for Facility Assessment, Wendy seconded, and it passed unanimously.

COMMUNITY ROOM SUBCOMMITTEE: There was nothing to report since the Trustees were not informed until this meeting that Jim Mayou (contractor) took some door frame pieces. Wendy asked if that meant there was an estimate given for working on/adding the French Doors, where/what the estimate was, and what the timeframe was in doing that project.  Marie is going to ask Russ K.


The last day for Katelyn Rivela will be 1/31/20. Marie and Deb Marini recommended splitting the job into 2 positions, both library assistants: 20 hr/wk & 15 hr/wk for more flexibility.  It will not affect money.

Russ G made a motion for the library assistant position to be broken into 2 part time jobs at 20 hours and 15 hours; Tracy seconded the motion; unanimous approval.

Various updates were discussed including the Legislative Breakfast that will be held at our library on March 6th and Library Legislative Day on April 2nd at the Statehouse.


Marie created a Filming or Photography policy which was read over and discussed.  Russ G made a motion to accept the policy as written and Tracy seconded. It was unanimously approved.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:13 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for 6 pm on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

Minutes submitted by Wendy Neil, Vice Chair