August 2019 Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 6 pm at the library.

In attendance: Trustees Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Angela DeVivo, E. Russell Grady, Karen Nugent, secretary; and Library Director Marie Letarte Mueller.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the July 23, 2019 meeting were unanimously approved with the following amendments: 1. The spelling of library assistant Kathleen Mullin’s name was corrected; 2. Under the section “June 2019 Clinton Election” Ms. Parkinson’s name was added to those trustees who submitted questions to the moderator at Candidate’s Night. 3. Under “New Business, Correspondence” the sentence “Ms. Boivin responded that staff have been anxious since a patron spent a night in in the Community Room earlier this year” was changed to “last year.”


  1. PROCUREMENT LAW DISCUSSION: Trustees voted (motion by Ms. Nugent; seconded by Ms. DeVivo) 4-1 to contract with an individual for a paid, limited amount of time – not to exceed one year – to do due dilegence and research books in the old collection in the stacks. The person would be paid with state aid money.  Mr. Grady abstained from the vote.

            Trustees voted unanimously (motion by Ms. DeVivo; seconded by Ms. Nugent) to invite the town administrator to the next meeting to discuss the procurement law, and to ask him to send a copy of the law beforehand.


A. FACILITIES: Ms. Letarte Mueller said the town facilities director is still working on the Community Room refurbishment. It was decided that rather than delay any longer, Mr. Grady will contact local contractors.

B. PLANNING: The board unanimously approved closing the library at 4 pm on Halloween, Oct. 31; the board approved Ms. Letarte Mueller attending the biannual conference of the Public Library Association in Nashville, in February.

  • Personnel/Committees/Training: Ms. Letarte Mueller offered the Head of Adult Services position to Donna Andreason. Ms. Marini is on the Clinton Early Childhood Action Council (CECAC.)
  • FRIENDS: They will have a booth in the park, and a book sale at the library on Olde Home Day.

E. OTHER:  An open house is planned for the future, possibly when the Community Room

                   is done.

                   The board voted unanimously to renew membership in the Central Mass Library                            Advocates, for $150 a year.



Ms. Parkinson has asked the town solicitor about the legalities concerning security cameras, and where they can be placed in the library. The board is awaiting his response. The board “brainstormed” about the issue, because it is unclear if some staff objects to installing cameras. Mr. Grady said the purpose is for public safety, especially since children use the bathrooms on the lower level, and, he said, some library patrons are registered sex offenders. It was agreed to send brief, anonymous questionnaires to staff members to get their input on cameras. Meanwhile, the board will wait to discuss the issue with the town solicitor.

  • Mr. Grady raised the issue of the library bylaw change from the June Annual Town Meeting. He said the bylaw needs to be approved by the Secretary of State before it takes effect, generally a few months after town meeting. This would mean new employees, including the new Head of Adult Services, would be hired by trustees rather than the library director (under the old bylaw.)

A motion (made by Ms. Neil; seconded by Ms. DeVivo) to hire Donna Andreason as the

new Head of Adult Services passed unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for 6 pm, Tuesday, Sept 24..

Minutes submitted by Karen Nugent, secretary.