October 2018 Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 6:29 pm in the library.

In attendance: Trustees: Gloria Parkinson, chairwoman; Wendy Neil, vice chairwoman; Tracy Colangione, Angela DeVivo, Karen Nugent, secretary; and Alex Zapantis; and Library Director Marie Letarte Mueller.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the Sept. 25 meeting were unanimously approved.


  1. POLICY VOTE: Animal Policy: A motion made by Ms. DeVivo and seconded by Ms. Colangione to accept the policy written by Ms. Mueller was unanimously approved with the addition of: “In accordance with federal ADA provisions.” The policy says animals, except for service animals, are not permitted in the library except by special permission of the library director. Service animals must be leashed and under the owner’s control at all times.
  2. DRAFT PROPOSAL/DESCRIPTION FOR PROPOSED NEW HEAD OF ADULT SERVICES: Librarian Nancy Hallock has resigned. Ms. Letarte Mueller distributed her draft proposal for a new position, in place of hiring another librarian. The salary difference would be $7,923 a year, beginning next fiscal year. The board voted unanimously (motion by Ms. Zapantis, seconded by Ms. Nugent) to move forward with a proposal for a Head of Adult Services Position. The first step is to bring the proposal to the Personnel Board at its next meeting. Meanwhile, Ms. Letarte Mueller will fill a 28-hour per week temporary position through BiblioTemps until Dec. 31, 2018. Temps are hired at three-month intervals to avoid allocating benefits.

Ms. Letarte Mueller said some museum passes will be available online. Also, she was awarded a grant to attend the            American Library Association’s mid-winter meeting in Seattle in January.

The budget was reviewed.

              FACILITIES: Whitney Oil has replaced the HVAC system upstairs in the Children’s Room. HVAC will be installed by Whitney in the lower level – before windows and walls are finished – for approximately $7,000. The facilities director is still waiting for a response from the school’s industrial arts program about installing windows. Ms. Parkinson and the trustees directed Ms. Mueller to tell him that we need the windows done ASAP even if it means using a contractor, rather than high school students. The old radiator on the west side of the room has been removed but the wall needs to be repaired.

Ms. Letarte Mueller said she is in the process of replacing bookshelves in non-fiction area with taller ones, to make space. At least one shelf is falling apart. The replacements will be 60 inches tall rather than 42 inches – two extra shelves in each section.

Outside book drop: Ms. Nugent requested an extra dropbox because they are sometimes full on weekends, and books can’t be deposited. Ms. Letarte Mueller distributed handouts on prices, and most were expensive. It was agreed that the custodian will empty the box at closing on Saturdays and once on Sunday or Monday.

PERSONNEL: Saturday hours: Staff has agreed to start the new hours of 9 am to 2 pm on March 1, 2019.

OLD BUSINESS: MARKETING: A discussion on Ms. Colangione’s idea of creating a promotional video was discussed. It was agreed a clear focus is needed, with our message. It will be developed over the next few months.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. Nov. 27.