October 2024 Minutes

 Minutes for Oct 22, 2024 – Board of Library Trustees

In Attendance: chair Gloria Parkinson, Jill Ashton, Jacqueline McGuire, Director Marie Letarte, Francisco Ramos

One member of the public

Call to Order at 6:40 by Gloria

No Public comment

Approval of minutes for September

Motion to approve draft minutes for September by Jill 2nd Francisco, all approved



  1. Chair report on discussion w/ ethics committee

                                    Finalized director’s performance eval

Ethics and trustees grant update

Selectboard meeting Dec 4 trustees to attend

            Director’s report: Budget, activities, facilities

  1. Action Plan FY2026 review

                                    Due Dec 1; tabled for further discussion

                        Ii. Annual Report – review

                                    Thanks to trustees

                                    Less than 1% of town budget

                                                Next meeting- discussion on library hours, budget constraints

                                    Trustee appreciated directors’ report for July 2023-June 2024

Subcommittee updates

  1. Building
    1. Who would be good on the building committee?
    2. Jacqueline, Marie and Gloria meeting summary
    3. Recommend an Infographic
      1. Merge grant timeline infographic from last year
      2. Generating interest
      3. Prepare trustees for questions, ensure consistency
      4. PowerPoint – next meeting
  2. Advocacy
    1. Build advocacy and building committee report
    2. Legislative breakfast planned for February
  3. Policy – Action needed: vote – sustainable library certification recommended policies
    1. Air quality
      1.  Based on Mass laws
    2. No idling
      1. No vehicle idling
    3. Cleaning products
      1. Adapted from the Selectboard’s edict to recycle and limit toxins in the environment

Motion to approve the slate of policies: air quality, idling and cleaning policy by Jill, 2nd Francisco, all approve

New Business

Unfinished business

  1. Thank you acknowledge for donations discussion — tabled
  2. Staff/ director self-evaluations and goals updates – finished reviewing, staff will meet monthly w/ supervisors
  3. Status of grant awards (MPLCP) – no change

Date of next meeting: November 26, 2024, Tuesday, 6:00pm

Motion to adjourn at 8:10pm by Jill, 2nd by Francisco , all approve

Minutes submitted by Gabrielle Turcotte