March 2016 Minutes

March Trustee Meeting  3/17/2016

Russ makes a motion to accept minutes as presented, 2nd by Fran.  Discussion

Everyone in favor of accepting minutes.

Public comment- Nypro Foundation due to meet on March 23, library fund will be discussed

Gloria attended Personnel Mtg. where consultant was introduced.  Consultant asked non union staff to fill in questionnaire and write job duties.

Director’s report- YTD totals and budget sent in to Financial committee and Board of Selectmen; building in desperate need of intensive work

Director of Library in Stowe is doing a customer service training; in June and this library will close at noon so staff can attend.

Third Thurs. open; events on the first 2 we were open.

Facilities-roof in progress; will add gutters.  Can’t work on basement room until the roof is fixed.  Got a new telephone system.  Torn up bricks in walkway so choice of same bricks or for $1000 more can do bricks with lifetime guarantee.  Russ makes a motion to go with lifetime brick, Fran 2nd and all agreed.

Director explained how MBLC Construction Grants work.  Planning and design grant must address facilities in long range grant.  Library must match 25-40% of grant money given.  During 2 years between planning and design, would hire architectural company.  We need to look at how people use the library…construction grant would be 2 yrs. following.  Construction grant doesn’t fund “inside” just building, etc. not things like furniture.

Letter from anonymous person complaining about condition of library with pictures.  We tabled as we don’t have a person to identify.

Connecticut Science Center and Salem Witch Museum sent discount passes to our library for our patrons to use.

New subscription service called “Universal Class”.  Can do hobbies, get continuing ed. classes, resume writing, GED prep, and lots more. (go through library website and then use sign in using library ID)

20 Programs in Feb.  with good attendance.

Purchased a Wii for teens/tweens/children’s programs

Library Trustee meeting moved to Thurs. April 14th

Marie will forward name of who the books were given to from book sale.

Caroline made a motion to adjourn mtg. Russ 2nd and all agreed 7:08