January 2015 Minutes

Official Minutes of January 29, 2015 Trustees Meeting

Meeting was called to order by Nancy at 6:05pm. All were in attendance; Pledge of Allegiance was recited. (Meeting scheduled for Jan. 15th postponed because of illness.)

No members of the public were in attendnce. Russ made motion to accept the minutes of the December 16, 2014 meeting. Fran 2nd. All agreed to accept.

Old Business

Salary grid revisited and all agreed to forward a letter to the Personnel Board from the Trustees requesting a meeting with them in order to discuss discrepancies in the proposed update of Clinton’s non-union salary grid.

ADA compliance — although the Board would like to get the “director’s room” open to the public as soon as possible, we decided to put this on hold temporarily as we feel professional guidance is necessary. Russ suggested that we try to get on Clinton’s Standing Building Committee list. Marie to contact Chris McGown to see if we can be added to their agenda. We would like to have someone come and look at various problems, repairs, etc. and share their expertise with us.

Russ questioned the fact that the Library’s bills from Staples are still mailed to us under the former director’s name. Marie explained that both she and Town Acct. Diane Magliozzi have tried in vain to have this error fixed.

Russ would also like to revisit the Crisis Policy. Feels a fire drill should be held at least once a year. All agreed to review policy and discuss further.

Also discussed were the library phones and the many problems that the library has with them. Russ made a suggestion, to which all agreed, that Marie contact other libraries and find out what systems are working for them. We feel we need more than the two lines we now have. Portable phones would also be extremely helpful.

Gloria brought up the free digitization from Boston Public Library and made the proposal to fill out the on-line form and send it to them. Fran made motion to take next step, 2nd by Russ. All agreed.

New Business

Director’s Report

Budget as of Jan. 7th 2015 was reviewed. In a future meeting trustees will discuss

ways we can avoid having a waiver for State Aid every year.

Stats for Dec. library programs, meetings and passes reviewed as well as new programming planned.

The Legislature Breakfast was very successful and Gloria pointed out the great PR the library received from the Item.

Marie is working on a grant application from LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act).

Next on the agenda was a discussion on the draft of the FY16 Budget. Some changes will be made and discussed at next meeting.

Because Laura Boivn will soon be taking maternity leave the trustees discussed hiring a temporary experienced librarian through an agency called Biblio Temps for the 12 weeks Laura will be out. This cost would have to be included in the budget.

The next meeting will be held on February 12, 2015 from 6 to 8pm.

Russ made a motion to adjourn at 8:06pm, 2nd by Gloria and agreed to by all.

Susan Franco
