September 2014 Minutes

Trustees Meeting of September 20, 2014

Meeting was called to order by Nancy Starr at 10:05AM and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

All six members of the Board and the Director were in attendance.

Previous minutes were amended (with a correction requested by Russ, 2nd by Caroline and agreed upon by all) and then were approved by all trustees.

As no Old Business was pending we went immediately to the Directors Report.

Budget reviewed — the board would like to be apprised of exactly how much money remains available in the State Grant. Information to be researched and supplied to us by Marie. A new bookshelf and a standing console for a computer have been ordered by Marie and will be paid for with grant money.

New policies (Standards of Conduct, BFPL Crisis Plan and a review of CORI Policy) were discussed.

Motion to approve and accept policies made by Russ, 2nd by Gloria — all were in favor.

The Boston Public Library has bound periodicals (Nat’l Geographic, US News and World Report, Time and Newsweek) digitized and accessible to the public at no cost. No need to keep old copies in our library.

We reviewed Marie’s out put of the MA Lib. Comm. FY 2015 State Aid Financial Report which is due Oct. 10, 2014. State Aid Waiver forms will be necessary again for next year. The library is chronically underfunded by the town and we will work on rectifying this problem.

Repairs of roof are finished; Boiler parts on order. Front desk alterations are necessary — cables

etc., standing desk for computer to access CWMars catalogue. Also discussed revamping front desks to

make a book drop off area in lieu of piling returned materials on counter thus freeing up space.

The Board congratulated Marie for a positive and practical 5-Year Strategic Plan. We certainly appreciate all of her many hours and hard work!

On Oct. 7th the library will close at 1PM for CWMars training and on Oct. 8th will begin circulating everything through the new system. CWMars will be in-house to provide assistance.

Chronic problem — grate in parking lot sinking — DPW needs to be informed and repairs made. Marie to handle. Problems with phone are still being researched.

We discussed using room in basement where boiler and tanks will be removed as a storage area for the childrens’ room decorations, craft materials etc. that are now stored in the Directors Room. We will look into purchasing appropriately-sized storage containers. The goal is to empty the Dir. Roomin order to clean and paint the area.

Thursday evening opening hours and early closings on Friday will be set aside for the present time.

At 11:25AM the Board went into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel/compensation matters. The motion to do so was made by Russ and 2nd by Gloria. All were in favor. Executive Session was exited at 12:50PM.

We will hold a posted Executive Meeting on Oct.13th at 10AM at the library in order to do Marie’s evaluation. Our next open meeting will be held on Oct, 16th at 6PM.

Meeting adjourned at 12:55PM. Motion to do so made by Gloria, 2nd by Fran and approved by all.

Susan Franco Secretary